Programmes Offered By the NCDA
Below is a list of the programmes that are currently offered by the National Council on Drug Abuse.

Resistance Education Against Drugs (R.E.A.D) is a series of selective prevention programmes that targets ages 5-17 with life skills including decision making, problem-solving and coping skills. Emotional intelligence is built through practice in self-awareness and emotions management.

Operation Lighthouse
Operation Lighthouse is a universal substance abuse prevention programme that supports the development of family and family-based life skills.

Talk Di Truth
Talkdituth (TDT) is our prevention programme that is offered to secondary school students that supports a peer training approach to ganja education. TDT is the youth component of a larger national ganja education programme.

Resistance Education Against Drugs (R.E.A.D) is a series of selective prevention programmes that targets ages 5-17 with life skills including decision making, problem-solving and coping skills. Emotional intelligence is built through practice in self-awareness and emotions management.

Squeaky Clean
Squeaky is our in-school general awareness programme. The programme conducts formal and informal drug awareness sessions through the use of edutainment and other memorable events.

Step Up
We have a programme for in-school participants that are experimenting with drugs but their use does not meet the clinical definition of addition. This programme is called STEP UP.

Community Participatory Programmes (C.A.P)
Our Community Action for Prevention (CAP) programme targets communities that have the necessary infrastructure (resources) and readiness for a local intervention.

Drug Treatment Court
Our Drug Treatment Programme provides drug counselling services to offenders in the Ministry of Justice’s Drug Court Programme.

Tek it to Dem
This progamme focuses on the reaching, testing and counselling of homeless and other high risk populations in Kingston, St Ann and St James.