Survey – Rapid Assessment an Respose Survey – St. Ann

 stannRapid Assessment and Response (RAR) Survey

The Jamaican Rapid Assessment Survey includes parish by parish data on drug use patterns related to education levels, gender, employment status, sources of supply and consequences of drug use. This methodology meets the need to quickly and inexpensively gather information that is otherwise not available or likely to be obtained because of resource or other constraints. Findings from such surveys have strengthened local response, informed longer term studies and provide a credible basis on which to measure interventions.

The St. Ann RAR Survey (2010) is a community-based survey of the 111, 589 persons ranging from 10-59 years old who reside in the parish. One hundred and twelve persons (112) representing 0.1% of the population were surveyed. The sample was stratified for age and gender. The thirty three point questionnaire was administered by interviewers. Response rate was 92%.

Drug Use and Abuse in St. Ann-Jamaica

Gender: Male 55% Female 45%.

43% of the population have ever used cigarettes vs. 4% current use.(C. use. Male 75%)
21% of the population have ever used cigars vs. 4% current use. (C. use females 75%)
27% of the population have ever used beady vs, 1% current use
42% if the population have ever used ganja vs. 14% current use
8% have ever used season spliff vs. 4% current use
1% have ever used heroin vs. 1% current use
89% have ever used alcohol vs. 76% current use. (C. use males 75%).
79% have ever used crack cocaine vs. 2.7% current use.
1% have ever used Ecstasy
2% have ever used inhalants. vs. 1% current use.

Age of initiation compared to age of start of frequent use
Cigarettes (age 6 vs. age 11).
Cigars (age 6 vs. age 14).
Beady ( age 8)
Ganja ( age 7 vs. age 12)
Season spliff ( age 16 vs. age 20)
Heroin (age 25)
Alcohol (age 5 vs. age 12).

Reasons for drug use
80% consume alcohol to feel good, relax or to forget worries.
82% initiate the use of other drugs to experiment.

“Alcoholism is a serious problem in Jamaica” (86%).
“Can use alcohol but no crack cocaine” (46%)
“Can use alcohol but no ganja” (30%).

Government should put warning labels on products (57%), ban advertising in media (32%), ban sponsorship of sporting/cultural events (24%).



Alcohol is the most abused drug in St. Ann.

1 in 3 persons who drink in St. Ann want to quit drinking.

10% have shared medication with relatives and friends.

5% of those who use inhalants do so to get high.

3% have had unprotected sex under the influence of alcohol while 1% have had unprotected sex under the influence of other drugs.

Levels of drug use highest among population that did not finish high school.