Research Day 2012


Research Day 2012 was held at the Medallion Hall Hotel on November 28, 2012.  It featured presentations from leading researchers in Jamaica on the issues surrounding substance abuse.  The presentations were well recieved by an audience of substance abuse professionals, students and medial personnel. 

The objectives of the Research Day programme were:

 1. To foster research relationships among academia and the National Council on Drug Abuse.

2. To provide a forum in which researchers can share current work related to substance abuse in Jamaica.

3. To encourage research in the area of substance abuse

The researchers/presenters were: (Click on the link to open the presentations


Presentation 1  –  National Research on Substance Youth Among Youth, Mrs. Uki Atkinson  


Presentation 2 –  Gender Differences in Simultaneous Poly Drug Consumption among Undergraduate University Students in One University in Jamaica – Mrs. Patrice Whitehorne-Smith


Presentation 3 –  Maltreatment during Childhood and Its Relationship with Drug Use/Abuse, Dr. Samantha Longman-Mills


Presentation 4 – The Concept of Drug Court Treatment, Judge Stephanie Haisley


Presentation 5 – Predictors of Successful Graduation and Retention in an Outpatient Jamaican Drug Treatment Court Dr. Kevin Goulbourn


Presentation 6 – Co-morbidlity between Psychological Distress and Drug Abuse/Dependence among Patients in Treatment Centres, Ms. Patrice Reid (CAM-H Fellow)
